Stress Relief Related Products for Staff

How can I raise awareness of stress?
Many of us deal with one form or another of stress, be it at home or work-related. With April being the Stress Awareness month, we decided to dedicate this insight to helping you raise awareness around stress relief and take some pressure off of everyday life. It’s important to recognise it and use coping mechanisms to relieve some of it. Stress can affect our mood, our relationships as well as our body.
Work-related stress can sometimes be unavoidable, but there are ways to manage it. Did you know that 79% of people have felt work-related stress? This makes it the most common cause of stress.
Let’s take a look at some items that can help your next awareness activity.
Stress Ball

Our top contender is a stress ball. It seems like an innocent toy but hears me out. Stress balls have multiple benefits and just to list a few; they relieve arthritis pains, reduce anxiety and stress, strengthen muscles, enhance emotional stability, and even lower blood pressure as well as improve blood circulation. So next time you’re in a meeting that could have been an email, bring one with you and thank me later.
Pop It Fidget Toy

What is a pop it? A pop it is what you would call a sensory toy. Its purpose is to relieve stress and in some cases psychological overloads. Furthermore, the concept of a Pop-it is fairly similar to bubble wrap (and let’s be honest, we all love popping bubble wrap), you push the little dimples in and out which is surprisingly a very calming and enjoyable experience.
Fidget Cube

Fidget cubes are exactly what they’re called, a cube you fidget with. A fidget cube has 6 sides and each one with a different mechanism you can fiddle with a ring that spins, buttons that make a noise, buttons that don’t make a noise, a switch, a joystick, a thumb groove for stability, and other spinning elements. A seemingly simple design but one that will most definitely keep your hands (or at least one) busy when your mind is elsewhere.
Wellbeing Kit

If fidget toys don’t do it for you, not to worry, you can always opt for a well-being set consisting of a relaxing bath soak, a calming lavender soap, massage body oil, and a blended relaxing oil. All are packed nicely into a cotton bags and ready to be used after a long day. Baths are a great way to relieve stress, soothing warm water releases endorphins in the same way when you feel the sun on your skin which can elevate your mood. Not only does it have psychological effects but also physical thanks to the temperature of the water and pressure on your chest increasing your lung capacity and oxygen intake which improves breathing.
Chill Out Kit

A small but effective gift or giveaway to take the pressure off. This little tube is the best way to take 10 minutes out to chill and recharge the batteries.
There are many solutions out there to manage stress, from calming music to audiobooks, from stress toys to relaxing baths, and from journalling to a good book. It’s important to have an escape from the stress caused by the inconveniences of life and find something to distract your mind and help you clear the dark cloud that sits above it.