What is Digital Marketing?

What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing comes in many forms; online videos, social media ads, social media posts, display ads, and search engine marketing. Digital marketing typically appears on electronic devices like your phone, tablet, computer, and multiple others. Essentially it’s a marketing campaign that involves digital communication.
Digital marketing helps to promote your brand and/or business through existing online platforms. Before digital marketing came about, most marketing used to be done by what is now referred to as “traditional marketing” which includes; postal advertisements, magazines, billboards, and TV adverts, which sure do make you feel old.
Advertisement is all around us; your favourite mobile game, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Reddit, YouTube, TV, high streets, train stations, and shops. As annoying as it gets for a user, it’s surprisingly profitable for businesses. With technology evolving companies often refrain from using traditional marketing methods due to the high costs that come with it, choosing the route you intend to take is however defined by the demographic you’re trying to appeal to.
Digital marketing is not only cheaper but more effective, after all, you don’t see a ‘buy now’ button on a billboard. There is a reason why 72% of marketing spending in the UK is focused towards digital marketing. Did you know there were 5 billion internet users globally in April 2022 alone? Digital marketing has a surprisingly low upfront cost, making it an incredibly effective and useful technique for small businesses.

The Tricks of Digital Marketing
Digital marketing is a great way to keep existing customers and as well as attract new ones. I myself am one of the people who fall for such strategies; be it a new fancy bag that “mysteriously” appeared on my Instagram feed after discussing it with a friend. It could even be something as simple as a new centrepiece for your dining room or drawer organisers you’ve been meaning to get to finally sort out the junk drawer (let’s be honest, we all have one of those). Whatever it is, most people can say that they have stumbled across something of interest whilst browsing through social media and clicked out of curiosity.
With this one simple magic trick, you are boosting someone’s website traffic. The bigger the traffic, the higher a website moves in a search engine, drawing in more and more people.
Going back to the types of digital marketing, let’s go over a couple.
Otherwise known as Search Engine Optimization. SEO allows you to rank up in the digital world of search engines which helps your customers find you. SEO is fairly simple, in order to make your presence known, you must ensure you use keywords within your blog post, pages, and website in general by which a user can find it.
The greatest example of this is Amazon, rather than listing an item under “black t-shirt”, you might have more luck selling it if you include “black t-shirt, classic fit, short sleeve, crewneck, cotton”, when a user searches for similar items, your black t-shirt will have a higher chance of popping up. See where I’m going with this? Don’t abuse this power, search engines will punish you rather than reward you.
Email Marketing
I would love to go into detail with this one but it’s quite self-explanatory, you know those really annoying emails you keep having to unsubscribe from? Yeah, it’s those. There are benefits to it however, that’s sort of why everyone does it. 99% of consumers check their email every day which makes it one of the most beneficial digital marketing techniques out there.
Affiliate Marketing
This form of marketing is fairly new, this one resolves around content creators. Be it your favourite “makeup tutorial” person or “how to draw” person, they both have the power to advertise products in their videos through subtle techniques whilst also maintaining their own relevant content which you are there to watch.
Also goes by the name of Social Media Marketing. SMM is great because you don’t necessarily have to pay to play. You can keep that consistency, keep engaging with other users and eventually build that following which will further attract more business. You can also decide that “hey, our existing followers aren’t buying as much as they used to” and opt to give a social media platform some money to spread the word to new followers.
To conclude, these are just to list a few, we also have; influence marketing, mobile marketing, video marketing, virtual reality marketing, and many others. Of course, the approach you take will depend on the type of audience you are trying to reach, if you’re a makeup brand looking to expand your empire your best bet would probably be to go for SMM and affiliate marketing, there is plenty of people out there watching YouTube tutorials on how to do smoky eye shadow, achieve the perfect wing or get that ‘glowy’ look. And if you’re not sure? We’ll be happy to point you in the right direction.
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